Matviy Andreyev


Matviy Andreyev

The train station looked like this, and had a non-matching typeface of a non-matching color below the clock.

building of the passenger train station. Lutsk, Ukraine

The «kierche»'s front and back.

The spire of a temple, facade. Lutsk, Ukraine
The spire, back view. Lutsk, Ukraine

The house of sculptor Holovan. This place was being advertised on all official tourist materials and signs.

The house of sculptor Holovan. A lot of sculptures. Lutsk, Ukraine

Morning light was flooding the side streets.

A weak fog on a street in the morning. Lutsk, Ukraine

The river of Lutsk was called Styr. It looked a not interesting one from the first glance, but the water was clear and nice.

The transparency of Styr's water in Lutsk. A tree at the river. View from a bridge. Lutsk, Ukraine

People were fishing, swimming,

swimming in the cold Styr river in Lutsk. Morning. Concrete stairs into the water. Lutsk, Ukraine

and rowing.

a kayak on the Styr river. Lutsk, Ukraine

One of the bridges was a good vantage point for observing the water vegetation.

Water plants in the Styr river. Lutsk, Ukraine

Old news but there was a restored castle in Lutsk.

Castle. Wall and a tower seen from Zamkova street. Lutsk, Ukraine

The funniest graffiti in the world was found while circling around the castle.

Graffiti: a blue-eyed and blue-mouthed angry sun. Lutsk, Ukraine

The list of things that existed inside the castle: windows,

a view from a castle window. Kierche and a temple. Lutsk, Ukraine

pigeon hatchlings (best thing in the castle),

A featherless pigeon chick nesting inside the castle wall. Lutsk, Ukraine

the gallery along the castle wall,

Галерея по стіні замку. Lutsk, Ukraine

and a tonal percussion instrument made of metal.

A musical instument made of metal pipes in the castle. Lutsk, Ukraine

We left the castle to see the downtown. A random old house.

An old apartment house. Lutsk, Ukraine

Two more of them.

An old house. Lutsk, Ukraine
An old house. Lutsk, Ukraine

The center of the city.

The central street. Lutsk, Ukraine

The «I♥Lutsk» photospot was present.

I♥Lutsk and a statue of Lesya Ukrainka. Lutsk, Ukraine
a statue of Lesya Ukrainka. Lutsk, Ukraine

Backyard in the city center.

Backyard of an old apartment house. Lutsk, Ukraine

We wanted to visit the museum of Lesya Ukrainka in the university. This was harder than it seemed. We had to manifest out intent at the student checkpoint. We listened to the directions. We had to go the second floor. We had to walk the full length of the second floor corridor. Then we had to get back to the first floor. Then we had to walk the whole length of the first floor corridor in the opposite direction. We were expected to find a door there. It would have seemed not related to the museum, as well as closed. We sould have entered it to find a dark section of the corridor, with weak sunlight shining through a portrait of Lesya made of stained glass. This would have meant that we reached our destination. The museum itself would have been just a dull room full of ISO chairs and a soviet-looking exposition of photos, signatures and books.

Stained glass window with the portrait of Lesya Ukrainka. Lutsk, Ukraine

The museum staff was enthusiastic and nice. It was unexpectedly easy to exit the museum. It had its own, separate door to the outside world! Were we trolled or what?

The city had hanged sonic advertisement on some public transport stops. If god exists, god should judge those responsible for this abomination.

A loudspeaker with audible advertisement on a light pole near trolleybus stop. Lutsk, Ukraine

Board the trolleybus number 4, travel to the other side of Styr river, exit on the «Shool nr. 2» bus stop, walk a bit using your GPS navigator, and you will reach a viewpoint overlooking the old city across the river valley. Locals will be walking their dogs on these meadows, while you will be taking your photos of this view.

panorama of the old town from the opposite shore. Lutsk, Ukraine
panorama of the old town from the opposite shore. Lutsk, Ukraine